
The sand castle

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That reminds me of a Roumanian song called The Sand Castle by a group called Class. In the song there is a verse that says: My Sand Castle, I build it and I destroy it. This verse illustrates this point very well. Whatever you choose to think about, you create. Don’t worry if you made mistakes, because the way you have made your Sand Castle, you can also rebuild it from scratch, that is the beauty of life. 🙂 Isn’t it?

What is one thing that prevents us form having our ideal life and happiness? Well, after speaking to a client yesterday, it reminded me that many people don’t live their ideal life because of negative thoughts. If you think that you are not going to succeed in something, guess what will happen? You will not succeed because when you say I cannot succeed because…. and than your ego finds a million reasons why than you automatically send a message to the universe saying I don’t want to succeed, I don’t deserve it, I am not good enough. You see, all this really is in your head. Many times you will feel like blaming it on other people so you can diminish your suffering, but sooner or later you are going to have to face it and take responsibility for your own actions. The creator of your life is you.

As a I said before, life is a continuous journey and another secret to resist is patience. If you give up too fast, you can’t beat the game no matter what you do, but if you are patient, you believe, act and persevere, you will always be successful no matter what. How do you think celebrities got to be celebrities? Not by pure luck, but because they never stopped believing and persevering until they have reached their goal and they were positive all the way through.

When you think negative thoughts, you attract negative experiences. When you think positive thoughts, you attract positive circumstances. Is it always easy? No, that is why you need a coach, because a coach guides you in mastering this skill. 🙂 Doing it by yourself is much harder, with a coach it is easier and faster.

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